Friday, February 24, 2012

Requiem to Convocation

Requiem to Convocation

What is the cause and effect of convocation?
Maturity of investment without interest(no placement);tut-tut
Maturity of investment with compound interest (autograph and photograph of CJI);tut-tut
Subjective opinion are Einstein in nature (theory of relativity);
The confluence and communion of the fraternity;
Reminiscence recurring at random velocity
Good and bad resurfacing in the ebullient and jubilant countenance
Of course, the later precedes the former, order of nature;
Everybody slithered wishing and vouchsafing their slinged relationship,
Interminently mudslinging as usual, order of nature;
Ease and discharge of the content and discontent
Slithered the suffocations and emotions gently
Whereas the genteel persons restrained the suffocations
The procession started unmindful of the free flow of emotions
Myriads of grief’s, joys, fears, hopes, suspicions, counsels, cut off,
Displaying the contours of time and restraint of emotions
The CJI reminded the causation of granting the degree
Implicitly issuing caveat of liabilities in the life of the awardees
i.e., eradicate poverty, illiteracy, ignorance
Seven lamps of advocacy, research
Nutshell, eradicate poverty, illiteracy, ignorance
With due respect, bakwaas math karo yar….degree is for self aggrandizement
Everyone has obligations and obligations are compounding day by day
Doing one’s own work and improvisation is a herculean task
Whereby the first and the final priority is self
Reciprocation of education!!!
Pursuit of education is a pursuit of profit
Immediate causa causan of one’s achievement
What about the resolve of thought, action and conversation
kya baath karaha hai….sheer stupidity
One should be worthy of the resolve to give back to the nation,
What we got, alas, it is only a resolve
Hey, the CJI has marked his words
It is better to be clearly wrong, than deviously right,
I resolve to be lucidly wrong, resolve upheld (Barack’s purposive misinterpretation)?
Mind you the CJI reminded
You may reach zenith with ability but it is the ethics that stays at zenith
Ethics is to reciprocate the primary social goods (Jurisprudence)
Which we received at the cost of others.
Pursuit of profit reaped without abandoning the basic ethics of life.
Gita says; Work is thy duty, reward is not your claim.
To give back is thy duty, to restrain is breach of trust.


Thursday, February 9, 2012

AIBE 2012 Result

The order of Hon'ble High Court of West Bengal barring the BCI to publish AIBE 2012 result has been stayed by SC on 08.02.2012. According to BCI Chairman, the result shall be announced within next 72 hours.

Here is the link for the SC order: