Honest Lawyer is a Dead lawyer!!!!
yes, indeed honest lawyer should be a dead lawyer,
Dead to desires, ulterior motives, sham submissions unperturbed,
Dead infact as dead as a rigor mortis to be unshaked by the frivolous arguments, Dead to bully tactics, contempt calls, unwarranted submissions,
Stand firm to his feet, Stand the test of trials,
Stick to the submissions, stick to law,
Show the cold face without passion,
To be dead is only to make alive,
Any honest lawyer would die to uphold the rights of his client,
What is honesty is an elusive, the concept is imprint in professional ethics,
The pyramid is as simple as a ladder,
u have a duty to client,
To ur opponent to make him understand what is rights and other pharaphernalia's,
To court to make it realise that they have power to restore the rights,
Last but not the least, to the justice to uphold the majesty of rule of law...
Therefore, honest lawyer is a dead lawyer.
Honest Lawyer is a Dead lawyer!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, indeed honest lawyer is a dead lawyer,
He dies naturally after the judgment,
The lawyer dies after dispelling the myth,
He dies by burning the midnight oil,
He dies toiling his physique, pshyche, and soul,
He dies in the submissions and argument,
Enlightening the hollow human being who basks the glory of being Justice,
Filling the empty pot to brim with radiance,
He dies in failing to fill the holed pot,
Nevertheless, generations to come, remember the lively judgment written by the so called eminent justice,
People, Academicians, Lawyers and Students conduct competitions and seminar in the names of judges with only rarest instances lawyers were adored,
That being the Fact Lawyer is a Dead lawyer,
The birth of the judgment leads to death of the lawyer,
Only the judge hogs the lime light, the lawyer finds an insignificant place,
Nobody remembers the lawyer, none of us know who were the eminent lawyers,
The evolution of "basic structure" is contributed by the lawyers,
People tend to study judgments appraising the Judges' caliber,intellect and ingenuity,
Invariably the lawyer dies without deserving the applause,
Significantly, Honest Lawyer is a Dead lawyer!!!!!!!!!!!!
musings of an advocate.
-cheliantheprince@ V.Elanchezhiyan LL.M