Thursday, August 18, 2011

Bapu is back!!!!!!!!

Bapu is back!!!!!!!!
Bapu is back!!!!!!!!

Anna Hazare declared as the most corrupt person!!!
Comparing Anna Hazare with Gandhi is blasphemous, insouciant!!!
Corruption, Corruption, Corruption every where,
Anna hazare is corrupt!

Where was he these days, strolling in the beauty of Khemkaran border during 1965?
Enjoying in Ralegan Siddhi, in the Parner tehsil of Ahmednagar district all these years?
Comforting in the cosy chairs of the centralized a/c rooms?
Was his new venture in 1991 called Bhrashtachar Virodhi Jan Aandolan fetched him a political seat?

Is it not a malafide intention to become selfless?
Was this a sheer publicity stunt?
Why did he take up the mantle now?
Bhrastachari anna hazare down, down!

Who is bhrast and who is maha bhrast?
I, you, all of us are corrupt,?
What is the locus to raise voice against the corrupt?
Should we first cleanse ourselves before we stand against corruption!

Perseverance conditioned by birth, education, employment!
Perseverance to corruption has become a part & parcel,
Corruption is Omniscient, conditioned by social perseverance,
What is practiced has become profession.

Honesty is the accepted principle; Corruption is the accepted practice,
Pitting corruption against honesty; should the practice oust the principle,
Principle is the time tested principle, corruption is the continuous practice failed by time,
It is upto the wisdom of each and every individual to adopt the former or the latter.

Anna Hazare took up the mantle of principle
It is his choice, to stand and voice against the corruption,
It is the choice of people to stand against the corruption,
Yet again a simple principle of democracy.

Where was he these days?
Kisan Bapat Baburao Hazare born to an unskilled labour,
Braved to stand against the Pakistan attack in Khemkaran border
Impoverished the drought-prone Ralegan Siddhi through water management into ideal one!!!

From the above major and minor premises, concludes irresistibly
Anna hazare is corrupt!
He corrupts the corrupt to uncorrupt,
Men & women, young &old cry Even louder, Bapu is back!Bapu is back!


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